New Digs for Stowe

By Caleigh Cross, Stowe Reporter

Stowe Electric Department finally has a home of its own, after decades of bouncing between landlords all around town.

The utility’s employees settled into their new offices on Moscow Road this week.

Construction of the new $2 million headquarters was funded fully using cash on hand, without requiring any taxes, bonding or rate increases, according to utility officials.

Stowe Electric had rented office space on Old Farm Road for 19 years at $60,000 a year, and the line workers were based in a garage on Dump Road, which the Stowe town government owns. For full article visit the Stowe Reporter

Ellen Burt at Stowe Electric’s new headquarters on Moscow Road. Photo by Gordon Miller
Ellen Burt at Stowe Electric’s new headquarters on Moscow Road. Photo by Gordon Miller
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