Health Care & Rehabilitation Services



  • Better Buildings by Design
    First Place - New Construction
    Efficiency Vermont
  • Excellence in Architecture Award
    American Institute of Architects, Vermont
  • National Design-Build Excellence Award
    Private Sector Building Under $15M
    Design-Build Institute of America – DBIA

The design exceeded our expectations in many ways. Not only have we created a working environment that provides every person with access to natural light, fresh air and a view, we have created a place where our clients feel valued…

Judith Hayward Chief Executive Officer Health Care & Rehabilitation Services


Health Care and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont awarded the design and construction of their Springfield office consolidation project to Bread Loaf. HCRS is a private, non-profit community mental health center serving the residents of Windham and Windsor counties. They assist and advocate for individuals, families, and children with mental illness, developmental disabilities and substance abuse disorders.

Six offices were combined into one 30,340 square foot facility, which includes the agency’s new administrative headquarters. Bread Loaf’s design objective was to create quality spaces where individuals feel uplifted by the color, light, texture and harmony of their surroundings.

Green Building/Sustainable Design

  • Removal of hazardous materials and reclamation of site
  • Building orientation and sun control
  • Solar power – roof accommodates photovoltaic panels
  • Air sealed, well-insulated building envelope
  • Use of additional cellulose insulation
  • Recycled and local materials
  • Low or No VOC emitting interior finishes
  • Natural ventilation
  • Overall building energy efficiency
  • Use of recycled and local materials
  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Water conserving plumbing fixtures
  • Construction waste management plan to recycle or salvage for reuse construction waste generated on-site
  • Stormwater management through raingarden